Tuesday, May 13, 2008


GOD'S CHILDREN was adapted from the following poem I wrote entittled, "The Day Zimmer Lost Religion" published in Richland Community College Creative Writing Club's 1996 IMAGES X MAGAZINE.

The Day Zimmer Lost Religion

Church steps housed
the silver-mop framed face
with jagged brown teeth
of seventy-three years.
Numerous coats encircled
this shell awaiting the
assembly of the Christian
members inside.

Today Zimmer would visit God;
the Man the preacher talked
of each Sunday.

Clumsily withdrawing and
balancing each foot, the climb
to the top challenged his
mental determination.

Giggles, laughter, tears and
disapproving voices
mimickled him.

Turning abruptly, clutching his
coat, Zimmer focused on his
travel upward.

Raising swollen feet he struggled
physically, emotionally downward.

- Velma Perry (c) 1996

So many times we judge people by the way they look, talk and act and never know how much courage it took for them to make that "one step" toward God. And before they have reached the door, our actions have told them that they are not welcome...

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